Monday 2 April 2012

.My Reasons.

Greetings, readers. :) As you might already guess from the blog's title, I am an animal lover. Although it might sound repetitive to you (some of you have probably read my profile), I shall re-introduce myself and the main reason why I created this blog. My name is Sarah. I live in Miri and currently pursuing a course in Bachelor of Arts at Curtin Universiy. My hobbies are simple and direct; which you can find out through my profile. This blog aims at capturing and documenting my weekly stray-feeding adventures and also to examine the living conditions they are stettled in. 

For your info, I feed them on every occasion that I can, depending on my personal schedule. Moving on, I'd like to explain the more accurate definition of stray animals - "any domestic animal found loose, not under the immediate control of a competent person or owner" (Town of Clover - Animal Control, n.d.).

So why strays, you might wonder. I guess it depends on individual interpretation of the issue. Some might say that I've lost my mind, some might  even find it a waste of time. But in my opinion, this is my way of releasing stress and feel true happiness through the activities that I do for these animals.

A friendly female stray dog that approached me this afternoon in Pelita Commercial area.  As you can see, she  looks like she's in a pretty bad shape and lacking a lot of nutrition. 

It is general knowledge to all of us, aware or ignorant enough to be unaware, that the streets of Miri roam with hundreds maybe thousands of stray dogs and cats.
  • No one cares for stray animals. For that reason, they often look disheveled.
  • A lot oft wild born cats and dogs had little to no contact with humans during their shaping phase. Because of this, they are shy and do not want to be touched or even caught.
  • The animals do not have any identification features like collars or microchips.
  • Often, stray animals are undernourished and have evident deficiency symptoms. Parasites, injuries, accidents and extreme weather conditions affect a lot of them.

Personally, it saddens me to know that these strays wonder on the streets with the simplest drive for food and dry shelter and even sometimes mistreated by humans who abuse them for reasons that cannot justify their actions. Trust me, I can go along the whole day debating about this topic!

So there you go! A long first post with everything you need to know about this blog. Stay tuned to find out with I'm up to next week! ;)


Reference List:
TOWN OF CLOVER - ANIMAL CONTROL. (n.d.). In Animal Control. Retrieved April 1, 2012, from


  1. hai animal lover. it is a wholesome thought to think about these stray animals. kudos to you

    1. Heyyy.. Thanks for the positive feedback! :D I hope that I can continue to create awareness about this issue and hopefully more people will understand this cause..

  2. Oooo, what a caring soul! Good blog choice: these stray dogs and cats are a big issue here.

    1. Awww... Thanks Christy :) Well, I think that if many other people would start to recognize that what I do is not a waste of time, I'm pretty sure we can try to curb the stray issue here in Miri. These poor things suffer while we attend classes in Curtin :( LOL....
